enjoy my blog dear si manis yang comel :)

Tuesday 26 June 2012

report dan kedah

report dah siap nih, dalam planning actually im going to Alor Star tomorrow by bus TAPI tak jadi because of my dad tk bagi kot.tk tau la sbb sebenar kann. naseb tk tempah ticket flight kalau tk burn mcm tu je lah..Alor Star is my dad home town and my borny place. nak dijadikan cerita.. report practical nih kene di sign oleh bos kita yang kita practical dulu tu.. yang kita ni pulak gatal nak practical jauh-jauh. ingat kan tk lah menyusah pon practical jauh-jauh nih tp ape yang jadi. hurmm dari prctical sampai la skrg ni ha..ade je yang tk kene. paling ketara sekali is im going to be confuse bile org tanye where u come from? because my friends act my 'certain' friends always answer the question with the where their born. not the where their parents live. then im getting confuse the day by day XP next! my practical not done as punctually T.T arghh sedddih! disebabkan practical slh tempat pada mulenye. but that my bad sbb pandai-pandai nak practical dekat swasta and lastly their engineer were resign then tukar tmpat practical tak cukup seminggu pastu kene extend seminggu T.T itu semasa practical berlangsung lah kan.. ni dah abes practical ni pulak :3 ade bende-bende kecil tertinggal kat sne.. and I should take and also my report should be sign by my bos. sooo kne pergi balik ke Alor Star and settle it. but the problem here is.. tkde spe bole bawak pegi sane.. huwaaa sedih lagi T.T lastly tunggu dan lihat je lah bile dan bagaimana kita nak pegi sane :/

Adam Izahar : I love you, get well soon and jgn sedih-sedih.. nyesal-nyesal tau.. benda da jd syg, you should face it and same goes to me. take a good care of yourself. kalau ade org bwk kita g lawat dy kat uma eh :* jgn lupe mkn ubat and sapu ubat :)

thanx for reading

Wednesday 20 June 2012

blog lama yg dah berhabuk

ini blog dulu kita http://athirahyamin.blogspot.com/ but now dah tkgune yg tu da..sbb lupe password ke ape nth.hehe so, from now this is my officially blog http://sesawangkubersawang.blogspot.com/ :) actually dah brpe byk blog nth buad..mesti hangathangat tahi unta.sekejap je updated then lamee bia smpai lupe password.hope blog kali ni tk mcm lepaslepas lah kan. chill ^^v

thanx for reading

allergic? NO!

actually since last week lagi allergic nih da serang kita tau.tk tahu lah sme ade kita salah makan or what, mmg seksa sgt :( rase cam nk nanges..tp tk nanges lagi lah sbb kita kan kuad, kuad ke :3 hmm tk tahu laa.. so now kita still lagi mencari penawar yg dpt cure kita nye sakit nih. Ya Allah..please give me strength to fight with this allergic..I cannot stand anymore..please protect me with all kind of sickness.. AMIN

ps: kawan-kawan tolong doakan kita cepat sembuh ye. tQ :)

thanx for reading

Monday 18 June 2012

sahor yang menjadi breakfast!

okay bace tajuk mesti dapat tahu da posting nih pasal ape kan.. hehe dijadikan cerita, kami berempat adik-beradik nih nk ganti puase.mmg dah simpan semue lauk lah utk sahor kononnye, because of my adik(hirda) mmg kalau puase kne sahor yg berat-berat nih..is a must! then hirda terjage pukul 5.10am dan terus turun bawah nak cari mkn, as die turun bwh and tengok periuk nasi... Oh My! nasi tak masak lagi, dah pukul berape nih nak tggu kan.. but die msk jugak laa.. sbb semangat yg berkobar-kobar nak puase tu kan. lepas tuh kitorg pon tunggu lah nasi tu masak..tunggu punye tunggu dah pukul 5.34am baaaaru nasi tuh msk. ktorg pon mkn cepat cepat cepat lah kan nk kejar mse punye pasal smbil bkk tv channel astro oasis tuh nk dgr azan.disebabkan lauk kami udang maka kami pon lmbt lah skit mkn. lepas abes kopek udang tu smue, baaru satu suap(ini kita ;)) dah azan dkt tv tuh.. yg hirda nih dah abes tggl satu suap kat dlm mulut die tau..punye die frust sbb tak sempat, sampai nak g sekolah tadi die bebel ade je yg tk kene..hahah lawak lah adik aku nih..

moral value: make sure before masuk tido check nasi dulu either dah msk ke belum okay supaye tak rushing pagi-pagi bute tuh :)

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