enjoy my blog dear si manis yang comel :)

Friday 9 November 2012

special day for special people

today is special day for person that I love most..haaa sweet tk sweet tk? hahah *blushing jap* :p today is a born day of Nur Darwina bt Mohd Saodi, she is my housemate, my roomate, my beshtish, my pillow, mysister haaa amek kau byk similir aku bg..heee act igt je birthday awk lah ite sje je tk mow wish ag..SEBAB! 

  • suka hati lah nak wish ke tknk. hahahah
  • tkdelaa..kita nk jadi org terakhir wish wie TAPI wie tgur pulak, bru nak buad buad lupa :p
  • you know what, bila jadi org terakhir wish mesti wie igt kat kita kann.. hee
  • Next! saje nak bg wie tertunggu-tunggu plus touching ckit. tp nk touching ke? 20 dah kan..hahahha
  • takkan kita nk wish simple-simple je kat org kita syg ni kaaann...hohoh
  • balik semula pada bullet pertama, suka hati lah nak wish ke tknk.hahahah
  • tkdelaa..kita nk jadi org terakhir wish wie TAPI wie tgur pulak, bru nak buad2 lupa :p
  • you know what, bila jadi org terakhir wish mesti wie igt kat kita kann.. hee
  • Next! saje nak bg wie tertunggu-tunggu plus touching ckit. tp nk touching ke? 20 dah kan..hahahha
  • takkan kita nk wish simple-simple je kat org kita syg ni kaaann... 
  • haaa panjang kann sebab kita.. nak panjang ag? urmm bole, jap kita panjangkan lagi.. sekaaaali je tau penat pikir ni.. heeee
  • suka hati lah nak wish ke tknk. hahahah
  • tkdelaa..kita nk jadi org terakhir wish wie TAPI wie tgur pulak, bru nak buad2 lupa :p
  • you know what, bila jadi org terakhir wish mesti wie igt kat kita kann.. hee
  • Next! saje nak bg wie tertunggu-tunggu plus touching ckit. tp nk touching ke? 20 dah kan..hahahha
  • takkan kita nk wish simple-simple je kat org kita syg ni kaaann... 

okay penat merepek, wie pon mls nak bce dah kann kann kann.....? heheh happy birthday Darwina, may God bless you, Good luck SPM.. eh silap.. Good Luck for Final Exam.. Take care, Smile always, Hope Allah mempermudahkan ape wie ingin capai andddd ape yg wie hajat or impikan.. sorry pasal kamsis pasal ape ape lah yg kita tk sengaja buad wie touching ke ape tau. Next sem, jgn lupa kita tau.. nnt datang lah uma kita ag..ermm kita sayang winaa.heee

we are in stripe shirt and same colour :))

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Thursday 8 November 2012

dear sesawang

soo sorry because I ignore you for tooooo long. you know what im too busy this sem until bkk lappy just for doing assignment. haaa kesian kaaann. hehhe beselah student life.. btw, now lebih kurang study week tp still got kls ganti.. then tk mcm study week lah. still got kls kan. heheh next week final exam, subject agk tough..okay takot! but I will try my best, and I really hope TIADA CARRY PAPER insyaAllah.. okay dear baby, I got to go.. will see you soonn, byeee~ :)

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Thursday 26 July 2012

ehem (part 3)

lepas adam dah lari tu and kita pon dah gerak g bengkel.. kita pon tk jumpe lah die, and hari tu pulak hari jumaat and hari blek kampung..sooo sampai je rumah cri fon.. hee and text him.. text text mcm biase until tido then sok bngon mcg mcg lagi.. then he asking for the answer about soalan smlm. heheh time tu kan baru 050708 soo tk cantik kan tarikh tu, then kita ckp sok kita bg jwpn.. heee then mcg mcg je cm bese until msok hari esoknye..

kita buad buad tk igt tau psl soalan tu, then maybe die pon malu nk igtkan kot.. yeke dam? :p then kitorg mcg saaaaaaampai nk balik hostel balik tu die tnye gak r, TAPI! tk tnye direct r, cm kias skit.. then memandang kan tarikh dah cantik.. soo kita pon text die and said kita terima die jd boyfie kita.. soo kitorg pon mendeclarekan relationship kitorg on 060708 :))

itu je lah cerita kami, tkde yg menarik pon pada korg sebenarnye.. saje je nak igt tragedi kelakar ni. hehe and Alhamdulillah kitorg still in our relationship ni sampai sekarang, hope kitorg kekal hingga akhir hayat and still together in heaven insyaAllah :D

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Thursday 12 July 2012

BFF :)

                  Hey peeps, im going to wish a really Happy born day toward my very happy friends Atiqah Badrol Hisham, yess you lah Atiq! heee atiq nih one of my bestfriends dekat sekolah teknik dulu :)) mcm mane kitorang kenal? hmm kitorang nih classmate time form 4. pada mulanye kitorg kawan bertiga tau.. atiq, naziha and me,tyra. heheh then naziha,jia tk thn sekolah kat sekolah teknik nih and tukar sekolah... then tinggal lah kitorg dua org.. beberapa hari kemudian zurin start berkawan dgn kitorg sbb anis buad pangai (nakal anis nih! babap kang. hahah) even anis nakal and otak die agk mcm wayar terputus skit ann.. die tetap kawan kitorg jugak.. best tau kwn dgn die :)

                  Tapi kitorg rapat dgn anis just time form 4 jee form 5 kitorg kelas dah asing :( sbb kitorg bertiga dapat masuk kelas ssv, kelas special ade aircond mcm aircond kilang tu due bijik and kelas die bapak besar siap ade 3 bilik lagi kat blakang. heee sbb ape kelas ni special? sebab only selected student je bole masok kelas ni... which is TOP 20 dalam form4 aliran vokasional, if aliran teknik..kelas tu dipanggil sst tp sst nih ramai ckit.. 30 kot, tk igt lah. heheh then start form 5 kitorg bertiga je laa..mmg rapat sgt, g tukar baju, study, g bengkel kire pegi mane2 je mmg bertige r..best sgt time sekolah..bile dah cm sebulan dlm kelas tu bru lah kitorg bergaul dgn classmate yg laen.. sbb mule mule masing masing cm berpuak skit :p smue kwn dgn kwn same course je.. hehhe lastly kitorg become close and close and really close, smpai skrg kitorg still berjumpe. tQ Allah :)

                   So today birthday Atiq.. even kitorg masing masing dah tukar bidang study and dah tk study benda yg sme.. kitorg still kawan and still berhubung.. Atiq study banking kt uitm segamat soo kitorg mmg jrg jumpe.. same goes to zurin. sedddihh :( okay tk mau sedih sedih lah, hari ni nak wish happy birthday Atiq, semoga panjang umur, dipermudahkan rezeki..jage diri elok elok, study rajin rajin jgn rajin sgt nnt jd gila pulak.. study smart not study hard :* semoga kita semue berjaya mencapai citacita kita.. nnt bole pegi holiday samesame! heeee I love you Atiq, I really do :*

Atiq yang tudung biru tuuu, annd zurin yang sebelah atiq hujung sekali :)

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Monday 9 July 2012

ehem (part2)

                Time tu dalam 3 or 4 julai tau.. hehe coooomel sgt Adam nih :) kitorang bawak simcard je and on pon jarang-jarang..nk dijadikan cerita lagi.. urmm Adam send me a mcg that he want me to be his gf but my sim was off.. then i don't know lah kann..pastu kita pon dengan selambanya g bengkel with atiq, zurin and anis petang tuu..then lalu kelas 4ee1 (itulah name kelas kami time form4) setiap petang boys akan prep dekat kelas masing-masing jadi kita pon ternampak Adam tgh bace paper dlm kelas, berbunga lah hati kita nak menyakat die kan :D Once kita datang and jerit 'Hye Adam!' Adam terus angkat paper yg die bace tu, then die tutup muke die..kenape? haa kita pon pelik..then buntal tarik kita ketepi and adam ntah hilang kemane tk tau, buntal suh kita on sim.. kita pon on gune phone buntal. once kita on kita dapat satu mcg and kita pon bukak lah mcg tu and guess what,, rupanya die nak kita jd gf die, ayat panjang.. heheh pdn lah die malu terus hilangkan diri.

                  Lepas bace tuh kita tgok belakang kot kot die ade kat belakang , yes betul sangkaan kita Adam ade kat belakang die nyorok dekat belakang pintu kelas :p then buntal pon pure pure datang borak ngan die sambil duduk kat pintu belakang tu, kononnye kita tk nampak lah. hee then i came, pastu terkejutkan die dr tingkap belakang tu ' Adam!' pastu die terkejut terus lari nth kemane. tk datang datang daa..lawak betul..hahah then die dah g, kita pon gerak la g bengkel..heheh

Next? tunggu next entry laa.. nk mandi lah, dah petang.. heheh 

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Saturday 7 July 2012

ehem (part1)

S* ---> Adam Izahar 

S* is my past love, its meants my ex bf.. because of him I've been couple with Adam until now, thanks awak :')

the story begins here...

              Once upon a time...heheh tk yh once upon a time sgt la kann.hee act time nih kita form 4 and in year 2008. kita sekolah at teknik sg Buloh, dekat je tp 20mnt jugak nak sampai kalau dari uma :)  kita amek course ee which meants electric and electronic. Annnnndd same goes to Adam tp kita tk kenal die.. S* tuu kita meet die time raye, time tu kita teman cousin kita raye rumah die. and on that time kita form 3. nk dijadikan cerita..when im going [6]teen, that guy already finish his school and he do a part time job even die agk senang orangnye.. act not part time its more to full time..urmm betul lah kot sbb kita seriously tk tau life die mcm mne..kita ngn die just contact bila die contact kita je. kalau tk.. mmg tk ah nk contact.busy katenye..

               Finally i've been fade up because everytime I reach him, there will be no reply and no pickup him phone. mmg sedih la kan.. then I tell atiq and zurin about this guy.. then Adam heard it, suddenly he yell on me.. he said 'agents byk scandle la weyh..' and you know whats, that first time Adam ckp dgn kita and time tu kita baru tau die classmate kita.terukkan :D  then since that moment, everytime he said like that, kita ckp 'yelaaaa.. once aku nampak dgn mata aku sendiri, die dgn girl lain automatically aku couple dgn kau' . then Adam silent his mouth ..macam terkejut kot tp macam mls nk lawan ckp pon ade. die just gelak and blah..

                One day, kita gatal mintak number phone Adam nih directly kat die tau.. sbb Adam nih sgt pendiam sebenarnye tp tk tahu la maybe die terlebih mkn gula kot.. mkn donut makcik kantin. hahah comel je Adam nih :)  (thats the reason i love him XP) okay now kitorg mcg everytime kitorg balik kampung (2minggu sekali) sbb kitorg tinggal hostel and still junior soo tk bwk lah fon...konon baik lah kan :3 then mcg, mcg, mcg finally he propose me to be his gf :O *terkejut saye.hahah

nak tahu ape jadi? haa tunggu lah esok ke eh.. penat lah type. hehhe t boring pulak panjang sgt kan :p okay see you on next entry ;)

ini lah Adam Izahar tu :)

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Wednesday 4 July 2012

kek kete

macam nih cerita dia, kita teringin sangat nak buad kek mini cooper tau.. lepas tuu kakak kita, kak dila ni die buad kek rainbow.. pastu ade lebih 2 mini cake kecik r kan.. pastu kita ckp kat kak dila.. kak dila nak kek tuu nak main.. haha lastly kak dila kasi kita main kek tu.. pastu kita pon decorate lah kek kita an.. kek kete bak kata mak adam :p kita budget nak buad kek mini cooper, tp bila dah siap adik kita ckp mcm myvi.. hahah tk kesah lah.. pastu kita bg kek nih kat adam :)) die ckp comel, tp kita tahu mesti die nak jage hati. heheh

hahah lawak kan.. ni lah kek nye.. adam mkn sekejap je.. sehari bole habes.. korg nak order? tp bkn lah yg kita main-main nih.. yang kek rainbow betul betul tuh lah kan..heheh bole la tgok kat blog ni  http://semanisgulayangdihurungsemut.blogspot.com/ 

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buku amal

just want to share with u'guys yang act dah masuk bulan sya'ban and and malam nisfu sya'ban jatuhnye pada 5 JULAI  thats meant will tutup buku amal kita and bukak buku baru.. yeay! soo new book new amal right? before tutup buku lame nih, kita nak mintak maaf lah for those people yang kita pernah buad salah secara tidak sengaja or sengaja.. maaf pada people yang kenal kita jugak tk kesah lah bru kenal seminit ke ape. hehhe semoga dengan bukak nye buku baru nih, dapat lah kita menambah baikkan amal kita DAN sama sama lah kita saling mengingati sekiranya terdapat kesalahan yang tidak disengaja kan. InsyaAllah :')

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Tuesday 3 July 2012


hey im back :) act my broadband already have been return, then I can online and updated as usual.. yeay me! HEHEh tapi.. start next week dah macam busy kot sebab next week dah daftar then after one week later start kelllasss..start busy life, in new semester. Then macam biasa lah semester baru, mesti ade azam baru kaann.. haaa azam baru kita tuh RAHSIA sebab maluuuuu. heee urm..sekejap je mase kan pejam celik dah nk masok sem 5 pastu sem 6 then abes diploma, cepat betul kan masa berlalu..btw best of luck kawan-kawan for new semester, have a great time and great environment :)

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Tuesday 26 June 2012

report dan kedah

report dah siap nih, dalam planning actually im going to Alor Star tomorrow by bus TAPI tak jadi because of my dad tk bagi kot.tk tau la sbb sebenar kann. naseb tk tempah ticket flight kalau tk burn mcm tu je lah..Alor Star is my dad home town and my borny place. nak dijadikan cerita.. report practical nih kene di sign oleh bos kita yang kita practical dulu tu.. yang kita ni pulak gatal nak practical jauh-jauh. ingat kan tk lah menyusah pon practical jauh-jauh nih tp ape yang jadi. hurmm dari prctical sampai la skrg ni ha..ade je yang tk kene. paling ketara sekali is im going to be confuse bile org tanye where u come from? because my friends act my 'certain' friends always answer the question with the where their born. not the where their parents live. then im getting confuse the day by day XP next! my practical not done as punctually T.T arghh sedddih! disebabkan practical slh tempat pada mulenye. but that my bad sbb pandai-pandai nak practical dekat swasta and lastly their engineer were resign then tukar tmpat practical tak cukup seminggu pastu kene extend seminggu T.T itu semasa practical berlangsung lah kan.. ni dah abes practical ni pulak :3 ade bende-bende kecil tertinggal kat sne.. and I should take and also my report should be sign by my bos. sooo kne pergi balik ke Alor Star and settle it. but the problem here is.. tkde spe bole bawak pegi sane.. huwaaa sedih lagi T.T lastly tunggu dan lihat je lah bile dan bagaimana kita nak pegi sane :/

Adam Izahar : I love you, get well soon and jgn sedih-sedih.. nyesal-nyesal tau.. benda da jd syg, you should face it and same goes to me. take a good care of yourself. kalau ade org bwk kita g lawat dy kat uma eh :* jgn lupe mkn ubat and sapu ubat :)

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Wednesday 20 June 2012

blog lama yg dah berhabuk

ini blog dulu kita http://athirahyamin.blogspot.com/ but now dah tkgune yg tu da..sbb lupe password ke ape nth.hehe so, from now this is my officially blog http://sesawangkubersawang.blogspot.com/ :) actually dah brpe byk blog nth buad..mesti hangathangat tahi unta.sekejap je updated then lamee bia smpai lupe password.hope blog kali ni tk mcm lepaslepas lah kan. chill ^^v

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allergic? NO!

actually since last week lagi allergic nih da serang kita tau.tk tahu lah sme ade kita salah makan or what, mmg seksa sgt :( rase cam nk nanges..tp tk nanges lagi lah sbb kita kan kuad, kuad ke :3 hmm tk tahu laa.. so now kita still lagi mencari penawar yg dpt cure kita nye sakit nih. Ya Allah..please give me strength to fight with this allergic..I cannot stand anymore..please protect me with all kind of sickness.. AMIN

ps: kawan-kawan tolong doakan kita cepat sembuh ye. tQ :)

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Monday 18 June 2012

sahor yang menjadi breakfast!

okay bace tajuk mesti dapat tahu da posting nih pasal ape kan.. hehe dijadikan cerita, kami berempat adik-beradik nih nk ganti puase.mmg dah simpan semue lauk lah utk sahor kononnye, because of my adik(hirda) mmg kalau puase kne sahor yg berat-berat nih..is a must! then hirda terjage pukul 5.10am dan terus turun bawah nak cari mkn, as die turun bwh and tengok periuk nasi... Oh My! nasi tak masak lagi, dah pukul berape nih nak tggu kan.. but die msk jugak laa.. sbb semangat yg berkobar-kobar nak puase tu kan. lepas tuh kitorg pon tunggu lah nasi tu masak..tunggu punye tunggu dah pukul 5.34am baaaaru nasi tuh msk. ktorg pon mkn cepat cepat cepat lah kan nk kejar mse punye pasal smbil bkk tv channel astro oasis tuh nk dgr azan.disebabkan lauk kami udang maka kami pon lmbt lah skit mkn. lepas abes kopek udang tu smue, baaru satu suap(ini kita ;)) dah azan dkt tv tuh.. yg hirda nih dah abes tggl satu suap kat dlm mulut die tau..punye die frust sbb tak sempat, sampai nak g sekolah tadi die bebel ade je yg tk kene..hahah lawak lah adik aku nih..

moral value: make sure before masuk tido check nasi dulu either dah msk ke belum okay supaye tak rushing pagi-pagi bute tuh :)

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